Wednesday, 30 December 2015


The first line of treatment described by most ancient Ayurvedic texts is: - "NIDAAN PARIVARJANA" or the modification of diet and lifestyle. It is the most effective and easy way of bringing back a state of health in a diseased body. Following are some of the recommendations that should be followed by patients of kidney disease and kidney failure for an improved renal function and longer and better life.


  • Drink plenty of water but only in ample amounts. Don't overdo it if you don't feel thirsty. Prefer taking Luke warm or just normal water.
  • Don't hold on to your urge to urinate. Keep on evacuating the bladder at regular intervals.
  • Keep the genitalia and pubic area clean to prevent catching any secondary infection.
  • Manage blood sugar levels if you are diabetic. High blood sugar levels are detrimental to the kidney function and may cause rapid deterioration of kidney function.
  • Avoid medications that may be unknowingly harming the kidney tissues, for example, NSAIDs.
  • Refrain from the use of alcohol and tobacco. They both cause kidney damage.
  • Exercise regularly according to the capacity.
  • Manage blood pressure well and try lead a stress free life, maintaining a positive attitude in every situation.


  • Drink fresh fruits and vegetable juices in plenty. Prefer herbal tea instead of the regular ones.
  • Avoid food products that are rich in potassium and sodium. These include table salt, potatoes, peas, nuts, beans, dry fruits etc.
  • Avoid use of too much fat in diet as CKD patients are prone to hypercholesterolemia.
  • Take the right amount of protein in diet. Green gram, lentil, pink lentil are some of the safe proteins that kidney patients should prefer. Avoid meat, eggs and non-veg food as far as possible. Red meat should be completely prohibited. Same goes for packaged and frozen foods and high sugar based artificial products.
  • Include a lot of vegetables, fruits and whole grains in diet such as, Pumpkin, Radish, Carrot, Onion, Eggplant, Cucumber, Lettuce, Turnip etc.
  • Fruits include Papaya, Watermelon, Apricots, Amla, Bael, Grapes, Blueberry, Olives, peaches, pears, figs, and Cranberry etc.
  • Avoid use of spices also if potassium levels are deranged.
  • Vitamin-D is also recommended in such patients.
  • Dont drink fruit juices as they are rich in Potassium. 

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