In ayurved diabetes is known as madhumeha and is classified as a kapha type of disorders.ayurved identifies 20 types of diabetes -4 due to vata,6 results from pitta and 10 are caused due to kapha
Diabetes meallitus is a chronic metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to make proper use of glucose resulting in hyperglycemia(high blood sugar) and glycosuria(sugar in urine). This results in increase in urone output,leading to dehyadation and increase thirst.
Glucose comes from the food we eat.the blood carries glucose to all the cells in our body.a hormone called insulin produced in pancreas in responsible for glucose uptake into cells for energy.decreased uptake or production of insulin in body affects the mechaniism leading to incresed glucose in blood stream.
- Lack of physical activity
- Heriditory factors
- Mental stress and strain
- Diet incresing kapha dosha such as sugar,patatoe,rice,fats
- Execcesive sleep
- Obesity
- Excessive urine formation and fruent urination
- Excessive thirst
- Execessive hunger
- Sometimes weight loss or wight gain
- Delayed wound healing
- If left untreated can lead to blindness,kidney failure,heart diseases, and loss of limbs
Madhumeha (madhu means ‘honey’ and medha means ‘urine’) is synonym of diabetes in ayurved.madhumeha has been placed under vataj meha (a problem caused by aggrevation of vata or air).vata is an ayurvedic humour symbolising wind and dryness.maximum detoriation of dhatus occurs in this type of diasease. And that is why all vital organs are effected by diabetes
In ayurved diabetes has been placed under ‘maharoga’ (major disease) because if left untreated it leads to major complication in the body including eye problems,sexual weakness,kidney failure,urological problems.
Treatment in ayurved is aimed to not only maintain sugar level,but also to ensure that no complications is caused.
Patient is adviced to live a active and healthy lifestyle.dietary and lifestyle changes rejuvenate the body cells and tissues,allowing insulin production and absorbtion of cells.
Diet and lifestyle changes
- Diet planning is the cornerstone of managing diabetes.avoid diet increasing kapha doshasuch as sugar,fats,patoties,rice,alcohol,yans,fresh grains,pulses,heavy,oily and spicy food.
- Keep proper spacing between food intake.
- Avoid daytime sleep.
- Try to reduce stress by yoga.
- Include whole grains in diet.
- Take skimmed milk(without fat) and yoghurt,chesse prepared from skimmed milk.
- Mild exercises like brisk walking is helpful.brisk walk of 30 to 40 minutes in morning and evening is helpful.
- Take 2 to 3 teaspoon of bitter gourd(karela) juice empty stmach in the morning
- Take 1 teaspoon of Indian gosseberry(amla) juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of bitter gourd twice a day
- Take 1 teaspoon of freenugreek seeds twice a day with water
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